Monthly Archives: May 2006

X-Men: The Last Stand

I went to see the new X-Men movie last Friday night. I thought it was very good, and enjoyed the story. There seems to be quite a fuss going on with the hard core fans over the new movie. Since I was not into the comics and don’t know the details of the X-Men history, I thought it was a good movie and didn’t have too many nit pickey things to comment on about it. Now I can’t wait to see the new Superman movie!

Great Article about "Geeks" – Must read!

How NOT to lead geeks

This is all so true!

Windows Vista – A Very good review

IT is Stressful>

Visitors this week!

This is going to be a busy week, my mom and youngest brother are coming to visit us on Wednesday. Then Thursday is Sarah’s K-5 Graduation and also Abby’s Birthday party. Then Friday will probably go to a park and the beach. Saturday we have to take my mom and brother back to the airport for their return flight home. Not sure what will be going on Sunday yet, and I also took Monday off to recover from the busy weekend. It should be a fun time and we hope they enjoy their visit.

Home Network Rennovations

Having Exchange also necessitates having a backup strategy. So I’ve got another older PC acting as a server with backup software running daily. Then you need a network monitor to keep an eye on Exchange and your network. I’ve got another server keeping track of my servers and network devices. It emails me if anything goes wrong. Then I have my traffic monitor, to monitor network/internet traffic on my home network. It keeps tabs on each device on my network and watches all traffic coming in and out of my internet connection.]]>

Local Travel

On the way back we took the sunshine skyway bridge which took us out on a bridge over the water and through St. Petersburg. It was a very nice drive and much more scenic than driving down 75. So far since we’ve lived here, thats the farthest south we have traveled. There are lots of other places we plan to visit and travel to, we just need to make time to go.]]>

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Its the name of a family of bacteria that has caused my poor little family a fair share of discomfort. Liz and the girls have been dealing with folliculitis, which was caused by this bacteria. We thought it might be chickenpox at first, but were releived to find out it was just an infection. Liz has a severe case of it, and is taking an antibiotic for it. Hopefully in a week or so it will be a distant memory. Amazing how the smallest little germs can cause such large problems in people.